If you know of other great resources, we would love to include them here. Please take a minute to let us know!
Creative Healing: How to Heal Yourself by Tapping Your Hidden Creativity, Michael Samuels, MD and Mary Rockwood Lane, RN, MSN
Art and Healing, Barbara Ganim, Michael Samuels, MD
Cancer and the Art of Healing, Marilyn Hundleby PhD and Sherry Abbot
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
The Creative Center, Arts in Healthcare, New York, New York
Arts and Healing Network, Power of Art to Heal
CAHRE, Center for the Arts in Healthcare Research & Education
SAH, Society for the Arts in Healthcare
Indiana University Simon Cancer Center
The Little Red Door Cancer Agency, Indianapolis
Young Survival Coalition, Indianapolis Affiliate
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Indianapolis Affiliate