Paint a Bookmark

Painting BookmarksHere, you can print instructions on how to get started painting bookmarks. You’ll need your watercolors; your cut paper; your brushes; masking tape; paper towels and water. Follow along with the instructions, and try not to judge your results – just enjoy playing with color. Make sure to let your bookmark dry before peeling away the tape. We suggest you keep your HOPE Kit close by and use it every day. When asked, “Why paint bookmarks?” our daughter Jeanette would give several reasons:

  • Bookmarks are quick and easy to paint. Some bookmarks take just five minutes to complete.

  • The actual painting doesn’t take any special artistic training or talent.

  • And, bookmarks make great gifts for friends and caregivers. The more bookmarks you give away, the more people will be thinking of you.

  • Most important, the time spent painting bookmarks is relaxing and stress relieving.

Patients who paint bookmarks often say anxiety about their illness diminishes. And, as Jeanette often experienced while painting, there can be a reduction in pain. We hope you will allow your creative spirit to reemerge so that you can be a kid again.

Print the instructions here

Tips for Expressing Yourself Creatively:

  • Experiment and find the right art form for you.

  • If you have a HOPE Kit, take a look at the instruction manual. The technique that is shown is achievable by everyone.

  • Set the mood by listening to music.

  • Realize there really is no right or wrong in expressing who you are.

  • Express yourself for yourself and not for everyone's approval.

  • Get ready to have a joyful time without worrying about the outcome. It's not about making art, it's about losing yourself in your creative medium.

  • Don't become too critical of your work-or be afraid others will judge your ability.

For even more resources and useful links, visit our Resources page.