What makes Creating Hope designs unique and fun to color? What makes them stress relievers?
The line drawings we provide for your coloring experience are unique in that they don’t represent anything specific. Unlike today’s coloring books, Creating Hope’s drawings are non-representational. The line drawings were created for the sole purpose of relaxing your mind, not challenging it.
When our mind is relaxed, and not challenged, the body produces natural healing compounds called endorphins. Endorphins are natural stress and pain relievers. Creating Hope’s drawings were created to relax the mind rather than challenge it. There are no specific subjects to color, such as flowers or trees. Having to color specific objects puts pressure on us and can cause stress.
Each of Creating Hope designs began with a circle. The circle was our starting point and we recommend that you allow it to be yours. The circle has profound spiritual and cultural meanings. For your coloring experience, think of the circle as having no beginning and no end. Let it represent wholeness, perfection, or the universe.
Start with the circle and let your spirit guide you from there. Color inside or outside the lines. Create textures and new patterns within the drawing. Remember, it’s your creation. Allow your mind to completely relax for the next thirty, sixty minutes or longer. Listening to meditation music will enhance your experience and bring you peace.
Remember, the coloring is personal. It’s yours to give away as a gift or place it where it serves as a reminder of your coloring experience.