Make a Donation

Donate to Creating Hope

Your generous tax-deductible donation allows us to provide Creating Hope materials at no charge to cancer patients anywhere in the U.S. All contributions go directly toward providing HOPE Kits and art services to cancer patients. Since we rely heavily on volunteers and donated services we have very low overhead, which means your dollar goes farther. We are very grateful for your support.

One-time donation of any amount
Sponsor a Hope Kit: One-time donation of $55
Recurring donation: $5 each month for 12 months
Recurring donation: $10 each month for 12 months

HOPE Kits make thoughtful gifts for those fighting cancer. A donation of $55 will cover all costs associated with sending your friend or family member a kit. To send a gift of a HOPE Kit to your friend or family member, visit Gifts of Hope. Each $55 donation we receive allows us to send one kit to a cancer patient in need. Please use the Make A Donation button above, or make your check payable to Creating Hope and send it to Creating Hope at 13897 Rue Royale Lane, McCordsville, IN 46055.

If you are a cancer patient undergoing treatment, you may request a HOPE Kit by printing the Request a Kit form and mailing it to Creating Hope, 13897 Rue Royale Lane, Mccordsville, IN 46055.

We invite you to join us as a volunteer –as an artist, fundraiser, or advocate for our cause. Contact us for more information.